Rules & Regulation
General Behaviour and Expectations at Vidhya Sagar School:
Discipline has been a code of recognition of Vidhya Sagar School for decades since its establishment. At Vidhya Sagar School, we appreciate when our students conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner with pride to themselves and school.
Our major goal regarding school discipline is to emphasize the positive and to help students make good behaviour choices. The rules and regulations of our school are based on the following expectations with student:
- Students are kind and respectful towards friends, teachers and every one.
- Students keep out school clean and they ensure for prevention of any loss of school property. If any damage is done intentionally to the school property, the property will have to be replaced at the students’ expense
- Students are responsible
- Students are quite in hallways and they ensure proper morals
- Walk gently when it is not necessary to run
- Students are always doing their best
- Avoid too much noise such as yelling, shouting and screaming
Some common rules for anyone anywhere in the school premise, or the bus:
Talk with Respect
- Use appropriate language by not being disrespectful to others
- Speak politely to all and do not tease others
- Verbal abuse to students, teachers or other staff members will result in immediate removal to the office for appropriate disciplinary action
Being Kind to Others
- Do not fight
- Do not shove, kick, slap, pinch etc
- Physical incidents like mentioned towards other student, teachers or other staff will result in immediate removal to the office for appropriate disciplinary action
Appropriate movement throughout the building and to-from busses:
- Walk in orderly manner in the hallway and on the sidewalks
- Walk quietly from class to class
Cooperation from Students
- Listen the instructions properly
- Show appropriate behaviour in class
- Complete homework and submit on time
- Follow school and classroom rule
Appearance and Uniform:
We encourage all the students to dress in a way that reflects good taste and a style appropriate for a school day. School has its own uniform to be worn by every student that reflects uniformity except under special and valid circumstances. We do not anticipate fashion trends that are not very appropriate for non-school setting for which we reserve the right to make it resolved during the school day. Students are highly encouraged to come to school appearing clean, neat and ready to learn. Students those are not fulfilling will be offered the following option:
- Counselling by the authorized person and will be given due date
- Contacting parents or guardians to obtain appropriate clothing if the problem persists
Dress Code for Students:
- Student should wear school uniform and house dress as in an informed day
- Choose pants are discouraged. Helm of pants should be between 12-18 inches depending upon a height of a student
- Hair should be cut on a range of 1-2-3 upward slope cut according to standard haircut machine or gentle look of student is highly appreciated
- Black Playboy design shoes which can be bought readymade or made locally should be worn. No spiky shoes and other fancy shoes are encouraged
- Students should wear plain full sized navy blue socks with no fancy imprints. Students must ensure the ankle socks, half socks are only worn for fashion which is inappropriate while coming to school.
- Tie and Belt is compulsory
- Students must not wear studs or ear-rings except under special circumstances(KUMALE) as informed by parents are entertained at school
- Sweaters, Blazers, Caps should be worn as mentioned by school in winter season.
- Scarf is allowed in special cases like decrease in temperature, congestion, tonsillitis and other medical attentions.
- Tattoos are not allowed.
- Students should wear school uniform and house dress as in an informed day
- Skirts for girls should be of a knee level
- Hair of girl students should be plated and tied with at least ½ meter of ribbon
- Black Playboy design shoes which can be bought readymade or made locally should be worn
- Navy Blue stockings are preferred or students can wear navy blue knee socks
- Students should not wear jewelleries and are not allowed to bring make-up kits in the school
- No colours in hair including Mehendi
We understand that the students shouldn’t carry a penalty that is not appropriate to be fall short on maintaining Dress Code. It will be dealt with in a fair and respectful manner. We want students to make good choices and be positive contributors to our school which is the philosophy we base our school discipline procedure. This is why we have a step wise system so that when student fails to upkeep the codes of uniform, it can be addressed as quickly and effectively as possible.
If the student is not able to meet the above mentioned expectations, he/she will be:
- Given due dates to sort out the poked problem
- Counselling will be given by authorized person
- Parents/Guardians will be contacted for repetitive setback
- Student will be suspended for repetitive setback with home assignments
Classroom Discipline:
Teachers establish a set of classroom rules so that students know how everybody will behave with teachers and peers. These are fair and allow for all students to be successful in school. Ground Rules are kept in every class so that if the rules aren’t followed, the student will immediately be responded. This helps to ensure safety for all the students and to stop the inappropriate behaviour.
If the student is not able to meet the above mentioned expectations, he/she will be:
- Individual Counselling by teacher will be done along with Take A Break form
- Counselling will be given by authorized person
- Parents/Guardians will be contacted for repetitive setback
- Student will be suspended for repetitive setback with home assignments
Playground Expectation
Students should:
- Walk to and from the playground quietly and properly
- Return directly to the classroom when activity or break is over
- Keep hands, feet and object to oneself
- Use appropriate language/etiquette
- Use respectful talks and show kindness to others
- Report injuries to authorised person
Electronics and Gadgets
School doesn’t allow any sort of gadgets like mp3 player, smart watches, cell phones, iPods, video games, electronic toys and accessories, cameras, headphones etc inside the school. School doesn’t take responsibility for safeguarding these items if brought.
If a student is found to be using a device at school, school has full right to seize the gadgets and will only be given back at the end of the session.
The following rules will help us create a good environment for all involved in the school:
- Since the students are to conduct themselves as gentlemen/ladies at all times, there should be no running, screaming, shouting, pushing, playing of games or throwing of objects in the school building and in/from school bus.
- Students must not scratch or make marks on the school desks or spoil school property in any way.
- All are expected to speak good/correct English in school.
- Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience and courtesy in words and deeds are expected from every student.
- The school reserves the right to bring students under code of conduct whose progress in studies in unsatisfactory or whose behaviour is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little or no interest in the progress of their children. Irregular attendance, habitual lack of interest in school work, immorality, disrespectful behaviour, stealing, misconduct will result immediate removal to the office for appropriate disciplinary action
- Since the school library provides a good amount of reading material for the students, they are not permitted to bring any other book or magazine to school.
- No collection of money for any purpose is to be taken up, and no meetings, demonstrations, parties or picnics may be held without the previous permission of the principal.
- Parents should inform school about regular medicine taken by respective student under medication for health issues. Parents should also inform school if the medicine is sent to student for being sick.
As being conscious about students’ health, we encourage students to bring healthy homemade lunch. Instant Packaged foods like noodles, biscuits etc are proscribed inside the school. Likewise students are not allowed to chew a chewing gum inside the school premises or inside the classroom.
Common Problem:
We are aware that there are few common problems that can be sorted out by the role of students inside the school. We certainly have school prefects who are responsible to ensure well-going of disciplinary conducts of school.
Some familiar problems like dispute between peers, arguments, fights, pranks, teasing, bullying etc that hurt particular person, name calling etc can be issued and solved initially with the council of prefect acting as mediators. Students can approach mediators to discuss about the remedy of such common problems. If the root of common looking issue deepens and somehow seems like a major issue, then the concern will be diverted to respective personnel at school for wider sight. We encourage students to discuss basic problems with mediators for quick solution.
Major Problem
We discourage students to make poor choices that affect the healthy environment of learning offered by the school. The problem seen like gang fights; foul-mouth, threatening, alcoholic beverages and smoking is highly prohibited and discouraged, stealing etc will be handled by Discipline Council. If a student is not responding to the consequences administered by the personnel, then the student will be taken to office as per disciplinary code of conduct.
If the student tends to participate on the above boldly mentioned issues then he/ she will be:
- Counselled by the counsellor of school together with informing parents
- If the problem persist and student fall short to maintain discipline then student is kept on detention for time given as per the concern
- If repetitive act of same individual is seen, the student will be taken to principal and parents will be informed
- Student will be suspended from school with homework for mentioned date as per the concern